Мне сказали, что 1 октября у меня именины. Чувствую себя глупо. И что это за день такой - 1 октября - это для меня-то!!! Для львов октябрь месяц в принципе не существует. Лучше уж тогда 1 апреля. А что, думаю денек должен быть повеселее. Ну, ладно, будет о грустном. Для поднятия боевого духа приляпаю я парочку концертных фоток MinaJun:
She's just so cool anyway you look at it. И еще немного самоиронии: (clicky-click)
A couple of recent photos of Fujiwara Keiji recording some extra for a game or a drama. Seeing this man makes my nose bleed (*collapses from severe blood loss) Click to claim a bigger version
Finally found - after 3 days of searching (silly me!!!) And now it's here.
Really love Kondou-san 's voice. And bonus disk just kills me - he even describes his collegues (very valuable as a personal opinion) - said that Okiayu is a really kind sempai, and that tey call MinaJun - MJ, and my! how he admired Hi-chan's professional approach and claimed he learned a lot from "Takahashi-san" (now someone stop me mumbling ) Well anyway:
MinaJun is finally releasing her 3rd album under the title "Vitamin J" on May,10 - it will include songs from her last 2 singles "Deja Vu" and "Shout it Loud" and new songs. Here's the track list:
01.Deja vu
05.優しい気持ち(Vitamin ver.)
08.Afternoon Tea
11.SHOUT IT LOUD(Vitamin ver.)
And one more piece of good news - it seems that among TeniPuri related albums there will finally appear Oishi's album (sung by Oishi's seiyuu Takayuki Kondou). The album will be released on April, 25. However, neither a cover nor a track list has been announced yet.
Yay Bleach sorta kiils me of late. e.g. in ep119 they extended the flash back and not only Ikkaku, but also Yumichika and Zaraki had their moments (not to mention Renji) and now... Well, new opening (in ep 121) is nothing special, but I liked the song. But as for the ending it's vice versa - the song sucks to my ears, but the animation though bad in quality suggests some new installments (I for one like the coupling of Byakuya and Shuuhei - and I know one particular person who would just roar at that pairing coming from things like Hisoyakana Jounetsu dramas). The fighting scenes actully became more action less talk and now it really reminds me of PCG. As for the rest we'll have to wait and see - more coming soon
(the pic is taken from the official site of the new Bleach PCG)
Thought about starting new gallery messages with Ishida-san when he was still very green and sooooo cute. But more important - cheerful, active and he even wore his hair long (yahoo! just like me ) Good times Well, anyway:
Phew!.. Thanks all the saints in heavens the 1st of April is officially OVER!!! Though I can tell that apart from a couple of practicle jokes on some sites it was relatively quiet. Still I believe that going on the net on THAT day can give anyone a heart attack
However, I liked it at the Animanga site where they changed all the manga titles (and even the site title) from Russian-english into kanji-kana mode. I know it's selfish, bit I feel sorry it can't always be like this - so beautiful (kinda liked it)
Oh well just want to add this Ishida Akira pic I've found - don't even know how long ago it was - he's such a baby here
Ну, не могу я! Okiayu на своем блоге извещает нас, что зацвела сакура. К коему сообщению была приложена вот эта фотка. (Этот человек хочет моей фанатской смерти.)
Am totally and completely into Hikago at the moment. Jees, the project rules really
Apart from unbelievably capturing plot and tension that keeps high most of the time in manga in Hikago I've found one of the cutest and most TRUE pairings of late: HikaAki. Some say they resemble H/D, some point out they are like an old married couple.
Well, maybe, but they are also very stern most passionate about each other and absolutely inseparable My OTP these days
Вах, вчера просмотрела списки номинантов Seiyuu Awards и просто глазам не поверила - так классно просто не бывает: Okiayu номинирован за роль второго плана, за Бьякую (правда в новом мувике, а по-моему лучше бы за сериал). Но все равно - наша душенька довольна.
Однако ж желать победы ему одному я просто не в состоянии - весь список номинантов напоминает мне рейтинг моих собственных пристрастий.
А именно: Ishida Arira, Konitan, SuzuKen, Suwabe Junichi, Hoshi Souichirou, Miyata Kouki, даже Sakupyoun (не то чтобы я сильно его любила, но от него никуда не денешься - это я уже поняла).
А, кроме того, за главные роли номинированы Miki, Yocchin, FukuJun, Hoshi, Seki Tomokazu, Sugita, опять Sakupyoun и Морита-сан (конечно же за Ичиго).
Ничего не могу поделать - я им всем желаю победы абсолютно одинаково.
Добавлю вот такую банду в кач-ве иллюстрации - некоторые касты просто убивают:
Jees, seems I'm as lame as ever!!! I nearly missed such a wonderful piece of news - MinaJun's having her 5th Maxi single released on 24/01/07. It's called "Shout it Loud" and here's the track list:
Seems I'm finally back after being away for awhile.
Found a good pic to begin a year on the diary with. Love it no end!!! It's Okiayu - small and cute during some picnic. Особенно умиляют беленькие носочки (Когда был Ленин маленький с кудрявой головой...)
Wow! Seems like Ryoma has a new single released (16/12). It's called "Everything" - haven't heard it yet, but am dlding it at the moment. So very excited!!! Feels like a great New Year present! Want so much to thank Ryoma, MinaJun and the kind people who shared it!!!