Finally found - after 3 days of searching (silly me!!!) And now it's here.
Really love Kondou-san 's voice. And bonus disk just kills me - he even describes his collegues (very valuable as a personal opinion) - said that Okiayu is a really kind sempai, and that tey call MinaJun - MJ, and my! how he admired Hi-chan's professional approach and claimed he learned a lot from "Takahashi-san" (now someone stop me mumbling ) Well anyway:
01. Run To High -Instrumental-
02. We Will Win
03. おもい(近ちゃん作詞)
04. Open My Heart!
05. 絆
06. Desperation(w/ 真田弦一郎)
07. 月の軌道
08. Rain-Dance
09. 恋風(近ちゃん作詞)
10. 気楽に行こう(w/ 壇太一)
11. 抱えたキセキ -大石ソロテイク-
12. 君に映る景色
Seems like one down one to go - waiting for MinaJun's new album, but I'm well aware that it might take much more time (*sigh)