This is a booklet for Haruka matsuri in Yokohama summer 2006. Don't remember seeing it posted before, so here it goes:

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Ishida-san wearing kimono - hontou ni hajimete mita!!! :ura:

But of course I love all the cast - they are holding little things the japanese use in (or rather associate with) summer.

@музыка: Suwabe Junichi - Oblivion

@темы: Seiyuu, Ссылки, Фото

01.04.2007 в 01:08

I wanna make you move because you're standing still (c)
прелестные сканы :heart:
02.04.2007 в 22:57

К сожалению не мои, но что нашла - тем делюсь

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