Bleach sorta kiils me of late. e.g. in ep119 they extended the flash back and not only Ikkaku, but also Yumichika and Zaraki had their moments (not to mention Renji) and now... Well, new opening (in ep 121) is nothing special, but I liked the song. But as for the ending it's vice versa - the song sucks to my ears, but the animation though bad in quality suggests some new installments (I for one like the coupling of Byakuya and Shuuhei - and I know one particular person who would just roar at that pairing coming from things like Hisoyakana Jounetsu dramas). The fighting scenes actully became more action less talk and now it really reminds me of PCG. As for the rest we'll have to wait and see - more coming soon
(the pic is taken from the official site of the new Bleach PCG)

(the pic is taken from the official site of the new Bleach PCG)